Chairman Frank Ning Investigated Sinochem Group’s Agricultural Partners in North America




Sinochem Group
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Mr. Frank Ning, Chairman of Sinochem Group investigated Monsanto Company, Agrium Inc., Potash Corporation of Saskechewan Inc., and Canada Potash Corporation in recent days. The field trip and high-level talks allowed understanding of the operation status and business mode of the visited companies and exchange of ideas on consolidating collaboration foundation and enhancing future cooperation between the two sides. The event also saw company of Mr. Li Qiang, Secretary of the Board of Sinochem Group and Mr. Qin Hengde, President of Agriculture Business.

During July 19-20, the delegation led by Chairman Frank Ning visited Monsanto Company headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, the US. At the R&D Center, Chairman Frank Ning heard briefings from Monsanto top management team on research and development of greenhouse plantation, genetic typing, insectology, microorganism and breeding. He primarily learned about the progress on research and development of corn seed, accurate sampling, big data analysis and application, genetic typing, genetic modification. Following this, Chairman Frank Ning and Mr. Brett Begeman, COO of Monsanto, communicated in-depth on progress of Monsanto and Bayer Company’s merger, breeding and data science, innovation of agricultural service among other topics at Monsanto’s administration center.

During July 20-23, Chairman Frank Ning and his delegation visited Loveland, Colorado, US and Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The delegation investigated Agrium’s production and processing plant, retail business headquarters and some main retail centers. Many rounds of talks were conducted between Sinochem Group and Agrium top management team. The communication was focused on Agrium’s operating model, retail system, agricultural machinery layout, farmer training method and incentive mechanism. Chairman Frank Ning noted that Agrium’s fast development over the past ten years had significant reference value thanks to its all-dimensional and one-stop service solution practice. Mr. Chuck Magro, President and CEO of Agrium, together with other top executives, were present with the meeting.

During July 23-24, Chairman Frank Ning and his delegation paid a field visit to the Allan Potash Mine close to Saskatoon, Saskechewan, Canada. The delegation went deep into the 1,000-meter mine, learning on spot the technology of potash fertilizer mining on underground salt layer. Then Chairman Frank Ning inspected production and processing facilities and operational mode on the ground. Following this, Chairman Frank Ning met with Mr. Jochen Tilk, President and CEO of Potash Corporation of Saskechewan Inc., and Mr. Ken Seitz, President and CEO of Canada Potash Corporation separately. He heard the introduction on equity structure, business practice, development history and business status quo of two companies. Chairman Frank Ning stated that, in the face of the historic opportunity of agricultural transformation in China, Sinochem Group’s agriculture business would draw on the existing industrial base and technical capacity to build an integrated modern service platform based on truly increasing farmers’ output and income. Purchase and sales contract for 2017-2018 was signed between Sinofert and Canada Potash Corporation under the witness of Chairman Frank Ning.