The First Innovation and Creativity Contest of Sinochem Group Rang down the Curtain Successfully




Sinochem Group
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On September 21, under the theme of “Innovation Promotes Upgrade, Creativity Implies Bright Future”, Final of the First Innovation and Creativity Contest of Sinochem Group was kicked off in Beijing. Chairman Frank Ning and President Zhang Wei attended, delivered important speeches, and granted awards for the award-winning teams.

As a result of fierce rivalry, “Shenyang Sinochem Dadi Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.” and other three projects won the first prize. Eight projects won the second prize. China Jinmao was winner of Best Organization Award.

This contest greatly ignited company-wide enthusiasm for innovation. At two-month project solicitation stage, more than 2,000 employees from 20 BUs of five major Strategic Business Units and functional departments submitted 566 innovation and creativity projects, including 323 projects involved with “Innovation Promotes Upgrade” and 243 projects involved with “Creativity Implies Bright Future”.

At present, some of entry projects have been put into practice or under follow-up arrangements. Among them, four projects are announced as “Special Major Science and Technology Projects of Sinochem Group”, three projects are announced as sub-projects of “Special Major Science and Technology Projects of Sinochem Group”, four projects are included into Internet Innovation Project of Sinochem’s Energy Business, and three projects are included into MAP Innovation Project of Sinochem’s Agriculture Business.

Click here to learn more about 12 finalists