President Zhang Wei Visited Sinochem Group Partner Enterprises in Russia, Belarus and Latvia




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In August 7-12, Mr. Zhang Wei, President of Sinochem Group, visited some enterprises in Russia, Belarus, Latvia and other countries that are in partnership with Sinochem, and met with Mr. Li Hui, China’s Ambassador to Russia. Mr. Qin Hengde, President of SBU of Agriculture, attended the inspections and meetings.

During the meeting with Ambassador Li Hui, Mr. Zhang Wei introduced the development of Sinochem Group, especially the strategy and business layout of the agricultural and chemical sectors. Mr. Li Hui introduced the historical progress and current situation of Russia’s economic policy and agricultural development. Mr. Zhang Wei expressed the hope of Sinochem’s all-round cooperation with Russian enterprises and scientific research institutions in the future, especially in the fields of agriculture, new energy, fine chemicals and life sciences, as these could be contributing efforts to promote connection between the “Belt and Road” initiative and Eurasian Economic Union and constructive endeavor of China-Russia’s economic and trade development.

During his stay in Russia, Mr. Zhang Wei and his delegationentourage investigated the Greenwood International Trade Center affiliated to China Chengtong Holdings Group Ltd. where he met with Mr. Sun Bohui, Party Secretary of Zhongchengtong International Investment Co., Ltd. The two sides communicated on matters related to cooperation in agriculture, fine chemicals, new energy and life sciences in Russia. They expressed the willingness to leverageplay their respective advantages to promote cooperation.

In addition, Mr. Zhang Wei and his delegationentourage went to Uralkali and held talks with the company’s CEO Dmitry Osipov to exchange views on strategic cooperation in the transformation and innovation of agricultural and agricultural inputs. Mr. Zhang Wei also went to the Baltic port in St. Petersburg, Russia for field research to learn more about port facilities, installation rate, operating conditions, and throughput, etc.