Sinochem Group Held 70th Anniversary Celebration




Sinochem Group
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On October 30, the 70th anniversary celebration meeting of Sinochem Group themed on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Seventy Years, In Science We Trust for Common Future” was held in the lobby of the East Tower, Chemsunny World Trade Center in Beijing. Mr. Frank Ning, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Chairman of Sinochem Group, Mr. Yang Hua, Deputy Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group, Director and General Manager of Sinochem Group and other management executives as well as outside directors and representatives of retired senior leaders attended the celebration. Employees from the functional departments of the headquarters, five SBUs, retired Party cadres and employees from ChemChina paid tribute to the 70th anniversary of the founding of Sinochem Group in various forms of performing arts, such as songs and dances and poetry recitation written, directed and performed by themselves. Management executives of ChemChina were invited to attend the celebration.

This celebration innovatively adopted “one main venue + five branch venues” and “online + offline” mode: the main venue was connected by live video to the five branch venues of energy, chemistry, agriculture, real estate and finance; in addition to the 400 audiences and performers in the main venue, the celebration attracted more than 58,000 online viewers through the live broadcast on the Group’s website.

Mr. Frank Ning delivered a speech at the celebration. By telling the story of Lu Xuzhang, the first General Manager of Sinochem Group 70 years ago, he explained how the spirits of revolution, entrepreneurship and commitment and the concept of “In Science We Trust” have been passed on to today. Mr. Frank Ning pointed out that the responsibility of building a respectable enterprise falls on us. Thus, we must fulfill our mission, truly inherit, carry forward and develop our fine traditions, and create a bright future. Sinochem Group will uphold the value of “In Science We Trust” and become a market leader in science and technology.

“The Road to Our Dream” dedicated for the 70th Anniversary of Sinochem Group, was played before the celebration. The film reviews the entrepreneurial history of Sinochem’s staff over the past 70 years, praises the Group’s spirit of loyalty to the country, boldness and continuous progress, and pays tribute to the Sinochem’s staff who have contributed to the development of Sinochem Group. It is also a narrative and outlook of Sinochem Group’s continuous change and innovation under the leadership of its core value “In Science We Trust”.

During the celebration, ten veteran employees received the commendation on behalf of 1,136 veteran employees having served Sinochem Group for more than 30 years. They were issued the honorary certificates and commemorative medals from Mr. Frank Ning and Mr. Yang Hua.

To conclude, the celebration was ended with the company anthem “We Create”. In the main venue, management executives of Sinochem Group, led by Mr. Frank Ning and Mr. Yang Hua, sang the song together with the employees on the stage.