1chemic.com - Sinochem's B2B Website was Online




Sinochem Plastics
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On May 17, 2017, 1chemic.com, Sinochem Group's B2B website, formally came online for business. Sinochem Plastics Co., Ltd., a branch of Sinochem Group, assumes responsibility for its running.

The B2B website aims to integrate many parts of the chemicals industry chain, including its business stream, capital stream, information stream, and logistics stream, so that integrated services can be provided for customers in areas like financial affairs, warehousing, and logistics. The products that appeared on the website the day it came online include high-pressure polyethylene, low-pressure polyethylene, Linear low density polyethylene, metallocenes, polypropylene, elastomers, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resins, acrylonitrile styrene resins, polycarbonates, polystyrene, PTA, ethylene glycol, methanol, and MDI, etc.

In the future, 1chemic.com will provide its customers with a larger number of more comprehensive services, including electronic invoices, supply chain finances, and big data analysis.