Sinochem Group Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT)




Sinochem Group
Eye protection

On September 15, Mr. Zhang Wei, President of Sinochem Group, was present in the ceremony of 60th anniversary of BUCT upon invitation. Along with the ceremony are BUCT’s Innovation and Development Meeting and the signing ceremony for cooperation agreement between the university and enterprises. There Mr. Zhang Wei, on behalf of Sinochem Group, signed the strategic cooperation agreement with BUCT on co-founding the Research Institute of Technological Innovation. According to the agreement, Sinochem Group will work with BUCT on a broad range of technological projects in the sectors of energy, chemical, material, biology, environment protection, etc., to jointly promote the establishment of innovation platform, conversion of technological research fruits, high-end think tank building and talent development.

In the event, Mr. Zhang Wei delivered a speech on behalf of partnering companies. He congratulated the 60th anniversary of BUCT and stated that Sinochem Group will work with BUCT and other enterprises present at the ceremony to complete the mission of driving the fast development of China’s industry. He also said that they would further consolidate the tie between universities and enterprises regarding comprehensive tech cooperation and talent development. He believed closer ties would seize historical opportunities ahead, dedicate to sci-tech development, and contribute to the technological progress and business boom of China’s chemical industry,

Mr. Zhang Fang, Director of Sinochem Group's Department of Innovation and Strategy, was also present in the event.