Chairman Frank Ning Attended the Second ABAC Meeting for 2019 and Visited the Branches of Syngenta and Adama in Indonesia




Sinochem Group
Eye protection

Mr. Frank Ning Delivered Speeches at the Closing Ceremony of the Second ABAC Meeting for 2019

Mr. Frank Ning Presided over the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) Session during the Second ABAC Meeting for 2019

During April 23-26, Mr. Frank Ning, Chair of the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and Chairman of Sinochem Group, attended the Second ABAC Meeting for 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Besides presiding over the SDWG Session, Mr. Frank Ning attended the Chair’s preparatory meeting, the opening ceremony, the Chair’s closing plenary and the closing ceremony, at which he delivered important speeches. At intervals, Mr. Frank Ning visited the branches of Syngenta and Adama in Indonesia and met some of the partners.

Climate change is one of the main topics of the ABAC in 2019. Mr. Frank Ning pointed out at the Chair’s preparatory meeting and the opening ceremony that explicit  policy guidance is needed in addressing climate change. The oil price has been stable at a lower middle level, and the higher alternative cost of renewable energy  toughened the promotion of carbon trading. In general, climate change does exist and tends to deteriorate. Human Beings should reach consensus on this fact before working out pertinent measures that the government and the business community should take based on the Paris Agreement. China has been deeply perplexed by environmental pollution and climate change. The Chinese government is taking diverse pragmatic measures, such as reassessing carbon emissions of all industries, and imposing severe penalties on heavily polluting enterprises with administrative measures and financial means.

At the SDWG Session, Mr. Frank Ning submitted three proposals titled Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Asia-Pacific Region through Technological Innovation and Policy Innovation, Unifying the Daily Power Supply Socket for Cross-border Business Travel in Asia-Pacific Region, and Promoting the Application of Mobile Internet in Developing Modern Agriculture in Asia-Pacific Region. In the first proposal, Mr. Frank Ning mainly analyzed the performance and causes of low energy efficiency in transportation, industry and construction. He recommended that the government phase out policy barriers hindering energy efficiency improvement, strengthen energy efficiency data collection of infrastructure, and promote the development of “smart energy”. In the second proposal, upon comparing several alternative solutions after taking their applicable scenarios, ease of use, technological maturity, economic cost, and prospect of future development, the USB socket turns to be the most feasible solution. Mr. Frank Ning recommended popularizing the installation of USB sockets in public infrastructure and tourist service sites and encouraging development of wireless charging technology. 

In the third proposal, Mr. Frank Ning dissected why most economies in Asia-Pacific region need to improve agricultural productivity, and illustrated the great potential of mobile Internet in improving agricultural productivity and the entire industrial chain of agriculture by taking modern agricultural service model of Sinochem Group as an example. Besides, he recommended that the government should promote the speed and quality improvement of the Internet and construction of network infrastructure in remote backward areas. Mr. Frank Ning also organized the Working Group representatives to discuss topics such as “climate change”, “circular economy” and “smart city”, etc.

Mr. Frank Ning pointed out at the closing ceremony that the business community should propose more focused and convincing policy recommendations especially for those issues of wide concern to the government and the public, so that their policy recommendations could be of more value and  vitality.

Mr. Frank Ning and His Delegation Visited the Branches of Syngenta and Adama in Indonesia

After the meeting, Mr. Frank Ning listened the work reports of the Indonesian branches of Syngenta and Adama and discussed their collaborative work progress and future development opportunities related to businesses of Sinochem Group. Mr. Frank Ning also fully recognized the high-growth business volume and market influence of the two companies. He pointed out that Indonesia is the fourth populous country in the world and its agriculture has always played an important role in its national economy with great potential for development. The branches in Indonesia should penetrate into local market under the established strategic guidance and fully play the collaborative advantage to create new development models leveraging collaboration and technologies to achieve  new growth. In addition, Mr. Frank Ning visited Agricon’s UV drying technology and micro-irrigation system and exchanged with other parties on topics such as   the status quo of agricultural development and the trend of agricultural technology services in Indonesia.