Chairman Frank Ning Investigated Agricultural Business and Met with Partners in Brazil




Sinochem Group
Eye protection

On November 18-19, Mr. Frank Ning, Chairman of Sinochem Group and ChemChina investigated the branches of Syngenta and Adama in São Paulo, Brazil, where he met with key partners in the agricultural sector. In-depth exchanges were conducted with regard to the Brazilian agricultural market conditions, as well as development strategies and future trends in agricultural inputs, innovation in business models and R&D,  deepening cooperation, etc.

On the morning of November 18, Mr. Frank Ning met with Mr. Luiz Nishimori and Mr. Ze Silva, Members of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil, Mr. Milton Garbuggio, Chairman of CCAB Agro, Mr. Laurent Martel, CEO of French InVivo Bioline, as well as principals of Brazilian Fruit Growers and Exporters Association, the Brazilian Association of Cotton Producers, the Brazilian Association of Farmers, the Brazilian Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA), and the Brazilian Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco (IPA). They discussed in depth on agricultural development in Brazil.

Mr. Frank Ning said at the meeting that food grains from Brazil, including soybeans and corn, are very popular in China, and soybeans consumed by Chinese people are shipped from Brazil’s Port of Santos. Due to the increase in population and consumption upgrading, China’s agricultural consumption market is expected to grow, creating the considerable market potential for Brazil’s agricultural exports. As agricultural input producers, Sinochem, Syngenta and Adama will continue to provide the best products and services for Brazilian enterprises and farmers with the best technologies and R&D capacities, helping them enter and expand the Chinese market. The progress of agricultural science and technology has also significantly reduced the use of pesticides in the planting process. We will continue to be committed to the development of agricultural science and technology to make agriculture more sustainable. Mr. Frank Ning stressed that maintaining good communication with governments and social stakeholders is essential for agricultural enterprises, agricultural organizations and farmers. It is necessary to let the public know the quite small impact of pesticide residues on food quality thanks to the progress of agricultural science and technology. In the future, we are happy to work with agricultural enterprises and organizations to promote the application and effect of advanced agricultural science and technology in reducing pesticide residues, optimizing crop nutrition and quality, and promoting sustainable development of agriculture.

On the same day, Mr. Frank Ning was also invited to attend the luncheon of representatives of Brazilian agricultural enterprises and farmers organized by CCAB and gave a keynote speech.

On the afternoon of November 18, Mr. Frank Ning and his delegation investigated Syngenta Brazil and Adama Brazil. They listened carefully to the reports of their division leaders on Brazil’s agricultural market, Syngenta’s crop protection and seed business strategy, Adama’s business in South America and development strategy, SAS’s synergy results, etc. They also exchanged in depth with customer representatives from growers, distributors, cooperatives, etc. on promoting sustainable agricultural development in Brazil, effectively communicating with all walks of life, optimizing the all-round agricultural service model of Syngenta and Adama, and further releasing of SAS synergy.

Mr. Frank Ning pointed out that in the past two or three years, cross-industry M&A is commonplace. SAS alliance aims to benefit farmers by creating value through collaboration. The cooperation among Sinochem, Adama and Syngenta has not only created new value, but also established a more efficient and secure supply chain. The Chinese market enjoys great potential. What we need to do is working together with our partners to build a value chain. Innovation applies not only to the product itself, but also to the business model. Syngenta and Adama performed better in Latin America market in 2019 than 2017 and 2018, with a significant increase in market share. Such an impressive result was contributed by good products featuring high quality, low cost, safety, sustainability, quality services, etc.

Mr. Frank Ning stressed that Sinochem, Adama and Syngenta could jointly establish a new business model to optimize services, benefit Brazilian farmers, and continuously create value.

On November 19, Mr. Frank Ning met with Mr. Juan R. Luciano, CEO of ADM (Archer Daniels Midland). Both sides discussed the innovation of nutrition and health science and technology and the food solution based on soybean protein. Then Mr. Frank Ning and his delegation investigated Uberlandia, the seed R&D base of Syngenta, to learn about the seed R&D and market situation, gene typing laboratory and parent breeding center in Latin America.

Mr. Yang Shihao, Deputy General Manager of Sinochem Group, and Mr. Erik Fyrwald, CEO of Syngenta, attended the above activities.