Chairman Frank Ning Attended the First ABAC 2018 Meeting




Sinochem Group
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From 1 to 4 February, Mr. Frank Ning, Chairman of Sinochem Group, attended the first APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) meeting in 2018 in Auckland, New Zealand as Chair of the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG). Chairman Frank Ning presided over the meeting, formulated the work plan for the 2018 Working Group and submitted two proposals titled Promoting Trade of Liquefied Natural Gas for Diversified Supply of Natural Gas and the Chinese Modern Agricultural Platform.

In his proposal of Promoting Trade of Liquefied Natural Gas for Diversified Supply of Natural Gas, Chairman Frank Ning spoke from the "shortage of natural gas" in this winter in China and expounded the driving factors for the sustained growth in the trade volume of liquefied natural gas in the Asia-Pacific region, then he gave a detailed analysis of the reasons for the imbalance of the natural gas prices in the Asia Pacific region and the difficulties and challenges facing the trade of liquefied natural gas. To this end, Chairman Frank Ning delivered policy recommendations from three areas: the improvement of administrative measures, optimization of trade process and contractual methods as well as promotion of international cooperation. The recommendations were unanimously approved by representatives of the ABAC.

In the proposal of Chinese Modern Agricultural Platform (MAP), Chairman Frank Ning introduced Sinochem’s recent modern agricultural platform (MAP). The MAP model features "online-to-offline, breeding to sales," agricultural modernization and farmers increase of production and income. The proposal was well appreciated by ABAC representatives. Chairman Frank Ning argued that all APEC member countries should collaborate in developing and applying similar MAP service platform, strengthen policy guidance and improve related public services. At the same time, research institutes and related enterprises should step up training of agricultural technical personnel and make full use of the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies to boost research and development of new agricultural inputs.

In addition, Chairman Frank Ning also presided over a group discussion between ABAC representatives and APEC senior officials. Twelve ABAC representatives and APEC officials from China, Chile, New Zealand and Russia were organized to talk about APEC Post-2020 Vision, energy security and sustainable development, food security and promotion of the growth of low and medium-income earners. All parties agreed to incorporate the key elements of digitalization, innovation, technology and environment friendly into the "Post-2020 Vision".

During the sidelines of the meeting in New Zealand, Chairman Frank Ning and his entourage inspected operation of Sinochem International Crop Care in New Zealand and investigated business partner PGG Wrightson's agro-material retailers and greenhouses. When meeting with the CEO Ian Glasson, the two sides discussed New Zealand agriculture and animal husbandry market and future cooperation.

Sinochem Vice President Mr. Yang Shihao participated in the above events.