Chairman Frank Ning Investigated Sinochem Branches and Syngenta’s Research Centre and Manufacturing Centre in the UK




Sinochem Group
Eye protection

On November 22-24, Mr. Frank Ning, Chairman of Sinochem Group and Chairman of ChemChina, investigated Sinochem branches including Sinochem Europe Holdings PLC., Sinochem International Oil (London) Co., Ltd. (Sinochem London) and Sinochem (United Kingdom) Ltd., as well as Syngenta’s Jealott’s Hill International Research Centre and Grangemouth Manufacturing Centre in the UK. During this investigation, Mr. Frank Ning held high-level talks with KWS SAAT SE & Co KGaA and Bayer AG headquartered in Germany.

On November 22, Mr. Frank Ning and his delegation investigated Sinochem Europe Holdings PLC., Sinochem London and Sinochem (United Kingdom) Ltd., visited their expatriates and foreign employees, and listened carefully to the reports of their principals on the current operations and future development strategies.

Mr. Frank Ning pointed out that the three overseas branches of Sinochem Group have accumulated a lot of transformation and reform experience, representing Sinochem Group’s successful practice of strategic transformation, reform and development, adjustment of business models and close follow with the market pace. Mr. Frank Ning appreciated the overseas teams for their years of hard work, and stated that Sinochem Group embraces huge development opportunities in the process of internationalization, so overseas branches should maintain good operations and coordinate well with domestic branches.

He stressed that in the next step, overseas Sinochem branches should think thoroughly about future reforms: boldly moving closer to marketization and internationalization, and making breakthroughs in systems and mechanisms, business model and employment concept. For example, Sinochem London should pioneer a new business model. In the future, domestic and international markets of oil trading will boast broad prospects for development, and potential market growth scale will bring market opportunities. Only by continuously creating new business value and added value can we establish and lead the trading market.

On November 23, Mr. Frank Ning met with Mr. Hagen Duenbostel, CEO of KWS SAAT SE & Co KGaA, and Mr. Liam Condon, Member of the Board of Management of Agricultural Sector and President of the Crop Science Division at Bayer AG. They held in-depth discussions on such issues as the market situation and development strategy of agricultural inputs, deepening cooperation, and exploring development opportunities.

Then Mr. Frank Ning came to Syngenta’s Jealott’s Hill International Research Centre to learn about its development and application of crop protection products and preparations, technical R&D for weed control, and future development planning, especially the influencing factors and key steps of R&D, storage and marketing of new technologies and products.

On November 24, Mr. Frank Ning and his delegation investigated Syngenta’s Grangemouth Manufacturing Centre in Edinburgh to learn about Syngenta’s crop protection strategy, production and supply strategy, global crude drug production and the operation of Grangemouth Manufacturing Centre. They checked the production of key products, continuous technology optimization and preparation processing process on the spot, and attended the inauguration ceremony of its centennial anniversary.

According to Mr. Frank Ning, in recent investigations of several research and manufacturing centers of Syngenta, he witnessed the leading R&D, technology, team, facility, brand and market capabilities, adding to his confidence in Syngenta and SAS alliance in the future. He firmly believed that value will be created continuously. The relevant work of creating SAS alliance is under orderly progress, and colleagues of the three companies are rather supportive and cooperative. Sinochem, Syngenta and Adama can cooperate in technology R&D, product production, supply chain, distribution, market, team communication, etc. Sinochem’s Modern Agriculture Platform (MAP) model will also strengthen the synergy of SAS alliance, presenting a significant synergy effect of SAS.

Mr. Frank Ning stressed that SAS alliance will create a unique and highly competitive model and organization in the field of global agricultural inputs, and we would also be committed to building a leading and successful global agrochemical enterprise to realize sharing and win-win cooperation in the world.

Mr. Yang Shihao, Member of the Leading Party Group and Deputy General Manager of Sinochem Group, and Mr. Erik Fyrwald, CEO of Syngenta, participated in all or part of the above activities.