2016’ Strategy Symposium of Sinochem Group was Held




Sinochem Group
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On May 23-25, 2016, 2016’ Strategy Symposium of Sinochem Group was held in Beijing. Chairman Frank Ning, senior management members, outside directors and some key employees from headquarters departments and business units attended the symposium.

In order to create an equal, open and efficient environment, team learning, team listing method, sharp questioning method, iceberg analysis method, ten-step strategic thinking method, five-step combination theory, enterprise watershed theory and other specialized tools and methods were adopted during the Symposium so as to achieve desired results. Attendees fell into five groups (oil and petrochemicals, agriculture, chemicals, real estate and finance) to debate over future development strategies of Sinochem Group and its business scope. Chairman Frank Ning served as the chief coach, summarized and reviewed outcomes of these five groups, and gave concluding remarks for this Symposium.
“Thanks to this three-day event, future development strategies of Sinochem Group have been initially developed, which cover overall development pathway, reform of systems and institutions, development strategies of business segments, restructuring, integration, in-house synergy and other contents. Upon deliberation and decision of Leading Party Group of Sinochem Group, implementation of these strategies should be our top priority during the next step” Chairman Frank Ning pointed out in his concluding remarks.